November 2022 Low Desert Garden Guide

There is plenty to do in the garden in November, and the vegetable, herb, and flower choices are abundant! Here are some helpful tips to keep your Phoenix Kitchen Garden happy and prosperous this month.

Garden Maintenance: Low Elevations


Radishes are usually ready to pick three weeks after planting. For optimal flavor and texture, pluck them when they are smaller than a pingpong ball. For such greens as kale, chard and romaine lettuce, the outer leaves can be gathered continuously throughout the season. Let the inner leaves remain so the plant can keep growing. Sugar snap peas can be harvested once the pods are about 2 inches long.


Late November is the time to treat weeds with pre-emergence herbicides, which are chemicals applied to bare ground to prevent weeds later. Herbicides can be useful in gravel areas where you are not planning for spring wildflowers, because they will likely prevent all seedlings from becoming established. If you are planning to apply the herbicide yourself, look for a ready-to-use product that is easy to handle. If you have any doubts about your ability to follow the directions on the product label exactly, hire a professional to do the work.

Garden Maintenance


Autumn brings free mulch. You can either leave leaf litter on the ground to gradually decompose and feed the soil, or rake it up and compost for use in the garden next spring. Never burn your leaves, as this wastes valuable organic matter and the resulting smoke is bad for air quality.

PKG November Garden Tips

Always add pollinator plants to your Phoenix Kitchen Garden! They bring bee’s and other beneficial insects.

For more PKG tips, see this months Garden Checklist right HERE.

I would love to help you cultivate your green thumb! To book a consultation, click the link on the PKG homepage or call 602-722-7971.

For more low desert garden tips, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook!

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Happy to help! I’ve been gardening for over 25+ years & have a lot of experience growing a variety of plants. I can help you with a range of gardening techniques.

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