April Garden Guide | Cultivate Your Garden and Soothe Your Soul

Bright Lights Swiss Chard garden

Oh, lovely Phoenix spring! It’s that wonderful time of the year when our gardens seem to beckon us with open arms, practically bursting with life and promising new growth. I’m absolutely buzzing with excitement thinking about the herbs, veggies, and those oh-so-essential companion plants I’ll be tucking into my April garden beds. There’s something incredibly satisfying about nurturing these plants and watching them flourish right before our eyes, don’t you think?

Now, let me share a little secret with you – my garden is not just a space for growing food, it’s a canvas for creativity and a sanctuary for my soul. This month, one of the stars of my garden is the Swiss Chard ‘Bright Lights’. Its vibrant leaves are not only beautiful, but also delicious, especially in hearty soups and braises. Can you imagine the splash of color it adds to dishes?


Bright Lights Swiss Chard garden


April Garden Check-Ins

But, as we all know, the beauty of a garden also comes with some responsibility. Our Phoenix kitchen gardens need us more than ever in April. Pesky critters like aphids, beetles, thrips, and cutworms are on the prowl, ready to take a bite out of our hard work. It’s almost like they have a sixth sense for finding the most tender and vulnerable parts of our plants. So, here’s a gentle reminder to make daily rounds in your garden. Peek under those leaves, inspect the stems, and keep an eye on the base of your plants and new growth. These sneaky insects love to hide there!

However, don’t let this dampen your spirits. With a bit of extra care, vigilance, and timely water adjustments, our gardens will not just survive; they will thrive! It’s all part of the gardening adventure, and honestly, overcoming these challenges makes the success all the sweeter.


What to Plant in Your April Garden

This month brings so many great garden options, so why not try something new in your April garden! I have a client that planted cucumbers for the first time this month and is regularly sharing her progress with me. I encourage you to do the same! And if you’re thinking about starting with seeds as opposed to transplants, make sure to check out my Seed Starting 101 blog. It has all my tried and true tips for seed cultivation.



april kitchen garden guide


So, fellow Phoenix kitchen gardeners, are you ready to roll up your sleeves and dive into the joys that an April garden brings? Let’s embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and share the bounty of our gardens with loved ones. After all, isn’t that what gardening is all about?


Happy planting, everyone!



For more low desert garden tips, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook!

To book a consultation, click the link on the PKG homepage or call 602-722-7971.


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Have Any Question?

Happy to help! I’ve been gardening for over 25+ years & have a lot of experience growing a variety of plants. I can help you with a range of gardening techniques.

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